Tax: 0% | Geo: unknown

Terms of Use Business Customers is operated by Heatit Controls AB in Sweden with corporate identity number (CIN) 559108-9866.

1. General terms of purchase
In order to shop at, you will need to be 18 or have permission by a legal guardian. By sending your order, you have approved the purchase and these purchase conditions. VAT is included in all prices (except in the case of sales outside the EU such as Norway and Switzerland – other countries and territories may also apply). Shipping costs will be added where applicable. Shipping cost will be shown in the check-out.

Any use and/or sales in the United States or Canada is outside of our warranty.
No warranty will be given on a device used or sold in the United States or Canada.

2. Card payment
For customers outside Sweden, use DIBS internet and 3D Secure which is the standard that Visa/Mastercard has jointly developed and which is the safest payment method over the internet today. When purchasing via a debit/credit card, the terms and conditions will begin to apply as soon as the card transaction has been approved. No extra fee is charged for card payment.

3. Unclaimed packages
For goods that you as a customer do not redeem, we charge a cost for shipping, return shipping and handling totaling 40 EURO. In the rear case of bulky shipments, extra shipping costs of 30 EURO (a total of 70 EURO) will also be added.

4. Deliveries
For deliveries, we cooperate with different shipping forwarders. We can normally send your order within 1-2 business days, which means that your business should get the ordered goods within 3-8 business days depending on your location. At holidays, high season and special occasions, deliveries may take a few days extra.

5. Return Policy & Regress
In cases where businesses wish to return goods this should always be cleared with a Heatit Controls AB employee prior to sending the goods in return.
Contact Heatit Controls AB using in all cases regarding the return of goods. Please include the order number given to you when placing the order in the subject-field in the email. This is to ensure that the e-mail are correctly handled in the return and service-systems at Heatit.Controls AB. 

5.1 Errors in documentation etc.
Heatit Controls AB underlines the risk of inaccuracies, misprints etc on the website and in the documentation sent with the products. Heatit Controls AB thus does not automatically take responsibility for problems related to these errors

6. Claims
For claims, you should always start by sending an email to
Describe in the email why you want to make a claim and attach documentation of the damage or problems with the product. This can be in the form of photos, written documents and statements. Make sure that you also enclose your order number and customer number to the initial e-mail. Depending on the type of product and the damage involved, the handling time for claims are estimated to take between 1-3 weeks. Heatit Controls AB try to solve it as soon as possible and you’ll be given a ticket number in our service-system ensuring a complete documentation of the process and a way to have case-specific communication with us.

7. Transport Damage
If a product from is damaged in transit, regardless of whether the damage is well visible or hidden, this must be notified immediately to the shipper or pick-up point and us at A visible damage should be claimed the same day. Hidden damage must be filed within 7 business days.
Save all products and packaging so that the shipper can inspect if needed. You may need to submit photos of the damaged goods / packaging. Make sure that you documents the damages well by use of photos etc. Heatit Controls AB does take responsibility for the shipment being packaged correctly. If the packaging of the goods has visible damage, it is important that you ask the delivery representative or the driver to document it when receiving the goods.

8. Warranty, product information and usage
For all purchases Swedish business purchase law are followed and applied.

9. Force Majeure
Heatit Controls AB is exempt from the penalty for failure to fulfill certain obligations under this agreement, if the omission has its basis in liberating circumstances as described below and the circumstance prevents, impedes or delays the performance. As liberating circumstance shall be considered, including government action or omission, new or changed legislation, conflict on the labor market, blockade, fire, flood, sabotage, major accident or other type of natural disaster. In force majeure, government decisions include those that negatively affect the market and products, eg. restrictions on indication, warning texts, sales prohibitions etc, abnormal decline in the market and if the company has been subjected to criminal activity that affects the business.

